Product Price Quantity Total
Yerba Mate Horn Cup and Silver Bombilla handmade by ARTEMANOS Mate Set Cup Bombilla USD 189
USD 189
Yerba Mate Set Gourd Cup and Sterling Silver Bombilla made by ARTEMANOS Yerba Mate Silver Set USD 220
USD 220
Palo Santo Handmade Gourd handmade by ARTEMANOS Palo Santo Handmade Gourd USD 169
USD 338
Black Gourd Yerba Mate Tea Cup and Sterling Silver Bombilla handmade by ARTEMANOS Black Gourd Silver Set USD 189
USD 189
Butterfly Necklace Adjustable Butterfly Necklace Adjustable USD 79 1 USD 79
Circular Filigree Ring Filigree Ring Circular USD 65
USD 65
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Subtotal USD 1.080

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Total USD 1.085

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