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The Company

Nuestra empresa nació en el año 2003, formada por un grupo de personas interesadas en la belleza e historia de la Artesanía Paraguaya. Reunimos un amplio grupo de expertos artesanos que comparten con nosotros la pasión por este arte ancestral. Junto a ellos diseñamos y cuidamos cada pieza, otorgando calidad de exportación a cada uno de los productos que ofrecemos.

Trabajamos juntos para acercar la Cultura Paraguaya a cualquiera que disfrute de la belleza y la historia de esta cultura como nosotros.

Therefore, we want to join the best of two worlds. The Wealth of this ancestral art and the advantages of modern technology allows us to have this internet site you can access and visit from the comfort of your home.

We hope you enjoy our Paraguayan Handcrafts Virtual Store!!! You will find about us:

  • Atención Personalizada

  • Productos de Alta Calidad

  • Diseño e Innovación

Misión y Vision

ARTEMANOS S.A. is dedicated to commercializing Paraguayan Crafts entirely made by hand and with export quality, We focus on the design and quality of every piece we offer to our clients around the world. We get closer to them by our Virtual Store of Paraguayan Crafts.

ARTEMANOS S.A. ofrece sus productos tanto a mayoristas interesados ​​como al consumidor final en quien nos enfocamos mayoritariamente.

ARTEMANOS S.A. tries to mix the wealth and richness of ancestral techniques, fashion trends and design.

ARTEMANOS S.A. tries to help our community development by allowing them to transfer Paraguayan Culture from generation to generation.

ARTEMANOS S.A. trabaja para ser la mejor Tienda Virtual de Artesanía Paraguaya, tratando de crear un lazo de unión entre el Paraguay y el Mundo a través de sus productos hechos a mano.

About Us Paraguayan Handcrafts

Paraguay is known for its variety and richness in handicrafts, giving the country worldwide recognition in Crafts.

Also, Paraguayan Crafts have exquisite handmade crafts made by excellent artisans. They have learned this ancestral art and keep teaching it from generation to generation.

Therefore, Ñandutí is one of the most asked and known textures and is similar to a spider net. It is built over little circular, square, and rectangular modules, which the artisan used to join the cotton fibber and make the piece. There are also flower designs inspired in local vegetation like mburucujá flower (also known as pasionaria). Another known work is Encaje Jú, also made in cotton and a little bit thicker.

Moreover, Ao Poi is the most traditional one, is very delicate and made in white or vivid colors and embroidered with designs inspired in nature and geometry. The word Ao means fabric and Poi means slender.

Finally, Jewelry is very rich in this culture. Filigree pieces are really asked. Artisans took these techniques from Hispanic ancestors and gave their unique touch making them very characteristic of this region.

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